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Youth Rally Memories

Teens attending past Youth Rally events were asked the following questions:

One memory I have about the trip is... "Koine was awesome, and I loved hiking in Colorado." "Xavier was fun, and it was smaller, so you could meet more people and actually be able to get to know them. The baseball game and Creation Museum were so much fun." "Staying in the dorm with my friends was fantastic."

"Staying in the dorms with all of my friends was really fun. And it was fun to take bets on who would sleep through their alarm for the next morning." One memory I have about worship/Bible study/workshops is…. "I remember it was really focused on Martin Luther. The presenter had some great keynotes. He even used a little Martin Luther action figure. :)" "Sitting in the workshops and feeling good knowing everyone around me shared the same faith."

"I remember the small Bible studies we had at night, and it was really awesome. Something meeting as a small group on a college campus just made the whole experience really memorable." One of the best things about the Youth Rally is... "I remember how amazing I thought it was that so many people were all there for the same reason. We all believed the same thing and we all go to have an amazing time worshiping." "Feeling independent for one of the first times in my life." "Getting away from home for a few days and living a different life. Feeling welcomed by hundreds or thousands of people who love you is amazing."

"It brings you a lot closer with those around you, especially those in your own youth group. It also lets you meet lots of new people and often build relationships through it."

If someone had never been to the youth rally before, I’d want them to know that… "It's really cool and so much fun. You get to experience something unlike anything you've ever done before. It's amazing."

"It's something you'll definitely remember for a long time." "Go at least once and immerse yourself into the worship/study with a God-fearing and joyful attitude."

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